ESP-SimHub FirmwareWiFi Configuration

WiFi Configuration


Connecting to your device to SimHub over WiFi is something that’s only possible because ESP devices have built in WiFi. SimHub is fully ignorant of the WiFi connection, it only knows how to connect via a serial port.

On the SimHub computer, we install software that fakes a serial port, and redirects all the data to an ip Address and port. The ESP device is connected to that ip address and port and knows how to decode the messages and respond to them. The software is only responsible for sending and receiving data, it doesn’t know anything about the SimHub protocol, or the ESP device.


Download ESP-SimHub from the releases page and set up platformio

Edit src/main.cpp to configure the WiFi connection:

Set the preprocessor directive called CONNECTION_TYPE to WIFI #define CONNECTION_TYPE WIFI. Set DEBUG_BRIDGE to true as well, and set monitor_speed = 115200 in platformio.ini


  • Hardcode your WiFi Credentials in the src/main.cpp and enable USE_HARDCODED_CREDENTIALS. Use this if you want simpler setup, and won’t upload the code anywhere.
  • Don’t enable USE_HARDCODED_CREDENTIALS. This will use WiFiManager which creates a WiFi access point that you can connect to with your phone or computer. Then you can visit and you’ll enter your wifi credentials there.
    • Warning: We have yet to build a mechanism to reset your saved credentials. Currently you have to erase the flash memory through platformio to do so and upload your firmware again.

Upload the firmware to your device.

Open the serial monitor in PlatformIO.

Connect to the WiFi network either through the hardcoded credentials or through the WiFiManager access point.

Once your connected, write down the IP address of the device.

Serial port redirection


Before we get started, Did you remember to set TruePort in LITE mode?

  • First and foremost, keep the serial monitor open and check for any errors or reboots.
  • Revert enabling any features one by one to isolate the problem.
  • Check if your Perle TruePort is configured in LITE mode!!!!!!.
  • Check if your ESP is connected to the SAME network as SimHub.
  • Check if SimHub is scanning the port correctly.
  • Check if the IP address of the ESP is correct.