ESP-SimHub ConfigurationsButton Matrix Configuration


For a more efficient way to handle many buttons with fewer pins:


These buttons are handled through SimHub and not as a gamepad/controller. So there are many limitations to what you can do with them.

Enable the feature in src/main.cpp:

// how many columns?, minimum 2, maximum 8
#define BMATRIX_COLS 3
// how many rows?, minimum 2, maximum 8
#define BMATRIX_ROWS 3
// Pins to use for each column, -1 is not used
#define BMATRIX_COL1 17 
#define BMATRIX_COL2 10
#define BMATRIX_COL3 4
#define BMATRIX_COL4 -1
#define BMATRIX_COL5 -1
#define BMATRIX_COL6 -1
#define BMATRIX_COL7 -1
#define BMATRIX_COL8 -1
// Pins to use for each row, -1 is not used
#define BMATRIX_ROW1 27
#define BMATRIX_ROW2 23
#define BMATRIX_ROW3 20
#define BMATRIX_ROW4 -1
#define BMATRIX_ROW5 -1
#define BMATRIX_ROW6 -1
#define BMATRIX_ROW7 -1
#define BMATRIX_ROW8 -1

A button matrix allows you to use fewer pins for more buttons. For example, a 4x4 matrix supports 16 buttons using only 8 pins.

How to use button matrix

How to use button matrix in SimHub can be found in the Using SimHub Buttons Only documentation.

Common Issues with button matrix

  • Button not working: Make sure your wiring and pin configuration is correct. To test, try connecting a row to a column using a wire. If it works on it’s own, check wiring, if not, check configuration.
  • Device disconnects whe using feature: Make sure the pins you selected can be used as input or if using them causes resets/crashes.