ESP-SimHub ConfigurationsWS2812B Matrix Configuration

WS2812B Matrix

For an RGB LED matrix display (like a 8x8 grid):

Enable and configure the feature in src/main.cpp:

// ...further down
#define WS2812B_MATRIX_ENABLED 1
// which pin to use for the data input
#define WS2812B_MATRIX_DATAPIN 10
// does your hardware use a serpentine layout?
// if so, which direction?

Common Issues with WS2812B matrix

  • Matrix is slow: We need to port NEOPIXELBUS to support this feature, as currently only BitBang is supported.
  • Flickering or not working: Make sure you’re powering your matrix from the correct external power source.
  • Layout is flipped: Configure rotation in SimHub.
  • Not sending data: Some WS2812B LEDs require 5v signal, which the ESPs cannot provide. You’ll need a level shifter or try shorter wires.
  • Frame drops / flashes during normal usage: If you’re using BitBang method, you’re running out of CPU time to handle other ESP tasks. Try an ESP8266 or wait for NeoPixelBus to support this feature.